To get the best listening experience we recommend that you enable autoplay. This means that videos will automatically play without the need for you to click play each time.

This guide shows steps on how to do this for the most popular browsers used. If yours isn't listed, please refer to the help guides provided by your browser.


Tip: Click on the image to enlarge it

1. Click the Permissions icon to the left of the URL

2. Select the dropdown for Autoplay

3. Select "Allow Audio and Video"

4. Refresh the page and the videos will start to play automatically


Tip: Click on the image to enlarge it

1. Click on Safari from the menu at the top left

2. Select Settings

3. Click on Websites

4. Select Auto-Play

5. Find and under the dropdown select "Allow all Auto-Play"


Tip: Click on the image to enlarge it

1. Click on the padlock to the left of the URL

2. Click on Permissions for this site

3. Down the left, select Cookies and site permissions

4. Look for Media autoplay

5. Change "Control if audio and video play automatically on sites" to Allow


Chrome has updated their browser and no longer lets you manually allow sites to autoplay media. Instead, Chrome will decide when a tab is allowed to autoplay media. 

When you load QueUp and the first video doesn't autoplay, simply click the play button. Once you do this, Chrome should continue to autoplay videos from then onwards.